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Star of The Week & Grooming Award Winners

I can't believe its half term already!

What a great first half of the term we have had, everyone has worked really hard and danced beautifully. It has also been lovely to welcome so many new faces to Dance Dynamic this term, I hope everyone is enjoying their classes and settling in well.

Each week I award one child with the Star of the Week award. The award goes ​​to the child who I feel has really excelled in their classes that week. They may have worked that little bit harder, persevered on a step that they were struggling with, shown great improvement or shone that little bit more. Whoever wins gets to take home and look after the Star of the Week medal and is awarded a certificate. I am delighted to announce that the winners for this term so far have been: Matthew Foligno, Isabella Foligno, Millie Cordery, Alice Richardson, Lauren Fairbrother, Hope Cobbing and Florence Upton.

I also award weekly Grooming Points to the child/children who I feel have been the most well groomed for that week. This includes wearing their correct uniform and having their hair tied up appropriate for dancing. Good grooming is an essential part of dancing and prepares the children for any dance exams and shows they may take part in. Points are awarded over the term and the child with the most points wins a prize at the end of term. I am delighted to announce that so far this term the following children have been awarded points: Hope Cobbing, Molly Sendall, Alice Richardson, Lottie Richardson, Darcy Rimmer, my Pre-Primary Ballet class (Chloe Grint and Millie Cordery), my Monday Tip Tap Toe/Groovy Moves Modern class (Florence Richardson, Norah Yousef, Charlotte Kellow, Florence Upton) and finally Emily Krupski twice!

Check out the Dance Dynamic facebook page to see who the winners are each week!

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