Looking back over the term
Wow, I can't believe we're at the Easter holidays already, where did last term go!
It was a very busy and successful term with the Quiz Night, ballet exams and lots more. We also welcomed many more new students into the school. It's lovely to see the Dance Dynamic family growing.
Quiz Night
What an amazing time we had at our Quiz Night on Saturday 25th February! It’s the first fundraising event that we've done at the school and it was a huge success! I had a rough idea of how much I wanted to raise on the evening, but thanks to everyone's generosity on the night and all the people who couldn't attend but made a donation, we completely smashed that target raising a grand total of £818.00!! The money raised is going towards ballet barres & equipment and towards the costume fund for our show in October. Ballet barres have been ordered and I can't wait to get using them in my classes after the holidays!
Teddy Bear Naming Competition
I was delighted to announce back in February that the winner of my Teddy Bear Naming competition was Lydia N'Jie who gave us the winning name Barney Bear! There was also a special award for Isabella Foligno for her very clever entry PAWS DE BRAS! Both girls receive Dance Dynamic t-shirts. Thank you to all the children who took part and for the wonderful names that they came up with.
‘Share the Love’ Valentine’s Competition
Congratulations to Sian Rimmer who was the winner of my ‘Share the Love’ Valentine’s competition. Thank you to everyone who entered the competition and sent me a testimonial on why you or your child loves dancing here at Dance Dynamic. It was lovely to receive all your comments and all testimonials will be used on the website, in promotional materials or on the facebook page.
Ballet Exams
Congratulations to Darcy Rimmer, Isabella Foligno and Matthew Foligno who, on the 12th March, took their Grade 1 ballet exam at ISTD headquarters in London. No results to date, but I'm sure they did brilliantly!
Parents Dancing Week
I absolutely loved our end of term Parent’s Dancing Week. It was so lovely to watch parents joining in with their children. Well done to those Dads who also came along and joined in. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. There are a number of talented mums and dads in the school and I look forward to seeing you at one of my adult dance classes soon!